What is the Southern California Chapter- Antique Outboard Motor Club Inc?

The SoCalAomc is a chartered local Chapter of the Antique Outboard Motor Club Inc.(AOMCI), a non-profit organization dedicated to the Restoration and Preservation of Antique and Classic outboard motors. We are a group of Outboard Motor enthusiasts who enjoy the hobby of collecting and restoring antique and classic motors. Our Chapter has events through out the Southern California region, but our membership is in no way limited by geography as we have members from Arizona, Nevada and Northern California.
As a member of the Southern California Chapter-AOMCI, you will receive newsletters about upcoming events, as well as detailed reports on past meets, and access to our club Library.

What are some of the activities we do?

Our activities include Swap meets, Boat shows, as well as supporting and participating in various boating events in the Southern California region.

Where/When do meets take place?

The Southern California Chapter has six scheduled meets a year. We try to make all the meets Wet Meets on the water. Past meets have been held at Bonelli Park, Lake Castaic, Lake Elsinore, Lake Arrowhead and Ski Beach, Mission Bay in San Diego.



For information about joining e-mail socalaomc@gmail.com


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